
Azure SQL Database Timeouts in Entity Framework 6 Code First Migrations

Entity Framework 6 has some surprising places to set database timeouts with code-first migrations, especially using Azure SQL

Sean Fisher

3 minute read

Recently we ran into an issue with EF 6. As part of our continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline we run integration tests in one of our environments. In order to achieve exactly reproducible (and fast) test runs, we spin up four fresh databases and add them to a pool. We initialize the database using EF (so it runs our migrations), perform the tests, and then tear them down.

The Business Value of Continuous Integration

In a world with increasing reliance on performant systems, how can businesses enhance the value their systems provide to users?

Sean Fisher

2 minute read

In a world with increasing reliance on performant systems, how can businesses enhance the value their systems provide to users?